Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sherlock Holmes By sir arthur conan doyle

this week we will choose a famous novel that everyone know about novel. The novel is Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, why we choose the novel it is because it is very interesting novel to read. the story also make us doing some thinking because the novel related more about scientific investigation. the story is about  Sherlock Holmes the detective investigator who are always success in crime investigation. As you can see if we read the novel the are more about scientific knowledge it will make us get more experience in life. as we look in the sherlock holmes life, he always use his pipe to get more feel to about settle the problems in investigation. the readers also tell us about his emotinal mental of his health that showed of manic depressive physcosis. other than that sherlock holmes also using some drugs to settle out the problems and the drugs is cocaine. the use of cocaine for sherlock holmes is about to stimulate his brain when it not in use. he also have some theory and also a connected theory that his create for him self in order to investigate the crime. he also is a special man that can use many weapon to guard him and also have learned some martial art to deffense himself by others dangerous. when we talk about a crime investigator we know the level of knowledge an skill is at a very high level, therefore sherlock holmes is a high level of knowledge and skill. many subject like pure science that he himself already master so that can easily solve his crime investigation. but he also got some weakness in doing his job. therefore not everybody in this world are perfect but his got the talent and he also know how to improve it. If you are interested in this novel and to know more about this novel, you can read it and i will guarantee you will not get boring.

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